Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fitness Resolutions 2013

As 2012 comes to a close, I think back to what an amazing year it has been. I reflect back on all the profound changes in my personal life, and the huge changes that happened to the awesome people who have employed my services for strength training, core conditioning, athletic testing, assisted stretch, cardio and program design. Big high fives! I feel very lucky that so many unique and interesting people hire me to help lead them towards a life of fitness. But actually… they are the ones who have done all the hard work…  I’m just merely count the reps.

I get a real sense of accomplishment when I look through my 2012 calendar and see how far they all have come. I’m proud to say that every single one of my clients have moved forward in their fitness, and none of them injured: either in the gym, or out playing and doing what they love best. This to me is a great success and a winning combination of training, goal setting, consistency, balance and execution. Go TEAM!

You may be reading here for some words of wisdom for your fitness program in 2013. Perhaps looking for something interesting to add into your New Year’s Resolutions? Well, here it is: …. “Forget About Making Fitness Resolutions!!!”  Don’t put unrealistic pressure on yourself to achieve whimsical goals on December 31st. Enjoy your seasonal holiday. Spend time with your loved ones. Enjoy yourself whether it be eating a few taboo foods, getting out for a walk, skiing the slopes, sleeping in late, riding your bike, doing some weights, swimming at the pool, booking a massage, or curling up next to the fire with a good book or a movie. My point:  Enjoy Yourself.

I say this because every effective wellness/fitness/athletic regime requires taking time off for you recharge and to come back stronger, faster, better. This in the athletic world this is called periodization. Many think that when you train there should always be a linear line of progress heading steadily up. But actually this isn’t the case. The best way I can describe a good health regime is more like the tide in the ocean. It has a rhythm; a flow up, and a flow down. Ideally, the progress should be overall in a positive direction, but for many now might be the time to allow the water to rush back into the ocean. And instead of fighting against the current, you should allow yourself to rest, and use the momentum of the next tide coming in to push you forward. Almost every time I've seen people come back with increased energy… and most importantly consistency and longevity.

Last, goal setting is a really important part of any fitness or athletic program. However, it just doesn’t have to be done right now while you are soaking up the seasonal festivities. If you’d like a tip on how to be most effective with goal setting, here’s a guide that will help you get the most of your planning. Be “SMART”. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Try to address each aspect of this acronym and apply it to your goals/program. And remember…  A goal without a timeline …. is just a wish.

Happy Holidays and here’s to your health in 2013.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sea to Sky Wellness

Have you ever traveled the 99 North from Vancouver to Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton?

Well, if you haven't already - then chances are you should consider the trip. Not only is it one of the most scenic highway drives I've ever encountered, but it's also the gateway to some of the richest outdoor recreation experiences Canada has to offer.

... And when you come to visit such thriving communities it can be hard to find out what's happening, or narrow down the services to find the right people to help improve your wellness. Visit our friends at the Squamish Wellness Directory to find practitioners, blog posts, and up-to-date information about some of the best health experts out there. http://www.squamishwellness.ca/

From Kinesiology to Naturopathy and Massage to Yoga. It's all there.

What exactly do we mean by Outdoor Recreation.... 

... to name a few

Hiking, Cycling, Skiing, Snowboarding, Cross Country Skiing, Climbing / Bouldering, Camping, Horse Back Riding, Golf, Sledding (Gas or Dog powered), Motor Biking, White Water Paddling, Mountaineering / Back-country Travel , Kite Surfing / Wind Surfing, Sailing, Fishing / Hunting, Logger Sports, Lacrosse, Swimming / Lake Jumping, Conventional Sports ( Soccer/ BaseBall/ Hockey/Football)

For more info about Squamish Wellness Directory visit: http://www.facebook.com/SquamishWellness

Or email: squamishwellness@mail.com

To Your Good Health!