Friday, May 16, 2014

Corporate Fitness 2014

For the month of April, myself and my partners Robin Russell, and the Bentall Centre Athletic Club provide a 30 day fitness challenge  for a large Vancouver corporation of 280 staff to help create an employee culture of fitness, health, and wellness.

To kick off the month, we provide in-office health appraisals to establish a baseline of physical fitness and increase awareness of peoples current state of well being. Following that, we create a calendar of daily fitness events and invite the staff and their friends and families to participate and experience great ways to get fit and healthy. At the end of the month we ask the participants submit a fitness score card to reports back the participation in their entire months physical activity.  We reward the people who participated the most, as well as provide measurable feedback to the companies who have hired us to promote employee wellness.

Now I'd call that WIN - WIN - WIN situation. Here's some pictures from April 2014 fitness month events. Please email if you're interested in securing a wellness program for your company. CH