OK, so playing bocce won’t make you an Olympic Athlete, but it might bring out your competitive spirit, and it could be fun.
What I’m getting at here is: being active at any intensity is beneficial to your health. This includes lifestyle activities like bocce, frisbee, or croquet, or doing the small things like parking at the back of the parking lot to carry your shopping bags a little further, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or getting off the bus before your stop and walking to your destination. Others include gardening, landscaping , cycling to work, stretching, or taking the long way home. The bottom line is that both low and high level activities are vital to your body’s wellness and should be made a part of your daily fitness routine no matter what your athletic pursuits are.
For some, your work out routine is in the building phase, so by adding some regular participation in lower intensity games and activities like bocce you will awaken the muscles and enhance your functional ability through bending and throwing the ball. Getting outside into the fresh air and sunshine is energizing and walking through uneven terrain is good for your balance and helps your coordination.
For those high-octane sport enthusiasts it’s also important to build some lower intensity activity into your program. It will help build patience, find your focus, while still keeping that competitive atmosphere.
Lastly it is social. Interpersonal relationships are important, and chances are you’ll be able to solve many of the worlds problems though playing games.
As a final thought just remember that all activity is cumulative. Whether you get 15 minutes of exercise 3 times a day or 45 minutes all at once - it’s all the same. Just remember to keep it varied, make it fun, and that every little bit counts.
And don’t forget to drink lots of er… water!
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