So, Massimo has diligently translated an entire curriculum from Italian to English, and created a forum to invite his mentors from Italy to offer the Advanced Posture Training Workshop. They are collectively: Andrea Manzotti, Claudio Suardi, Dario Crippa, Stefano Zambelli whom will be teaching with Massimo and are the Head Instructors & Technical Directors of the International Sport Sciences Association Italy among other prestigious associations in Europe. They are the creators of this unique postural training philosophy which based on rehab science and myofacial muscle tracts. Here is the official description of the course that will be offered in 6 weeks. September 2-3-4.
Hope you can make it.
Cameron Hunt
Date(s) 2011: September 2nd , September 3rd, September 4th
This is a high level technical course that the Individual Training Company®, Italy is introducing for the first time to the Canadian health and fitness industry. It is designed to help Personal Fitness Trainers, Kinesiologists, Physiotherapists, Osteopathic Practitioners, manual and rehabilitation therapist or anyone involved in health and fitness, improve their understanding of posture, anatomy and biomechanics in order to design an individual & highly personalized exercise program.
The purpose of postural training is to stimulate the body within its complex regulation mechanisms to regain the best functional equilibrium in relation to the external stimulations through stretching, mobility and specific and precise postural strengthening exercises. The training method and exercise techniques originate from postural and osteopathy techniques. It is a multidisciplinary and holistic method combining Mezieres and Souchard posture techniques, mobility, strength exercises, as well as specific Swiss ball and proprioception exercises.
You will Help Your Clients:
Relax their muscular tensions
Retrieve their initial length from the shortened muscles.
Improve coordination and equilibrium
Improve the knowledge and consciousness of your body
Reduce stiffness and pain, improving flexibility and joints mobility
Develop consciousness of the relationship between the breathing, movement and posture
Design and organize a postural training area in your facility
FRIDAY, September 2, 2011
9:00am – 12:00pm: Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Spinal Column. Cervical, Dorsal, and Lower Back Spine
1:00pm – 4:00pm:Postural Analysis and Evaluation Ideal Plumb Alignment & Referral Points
SATURDAY, September 3, 2011
9:00am – 12:00pm:Anatomy of the PelvisPelvic Analysis in Relation to the Muscles:Abdominals, Psoas, Rectus Femoris, Gluteus, PiriformisStretching and Mobilization
1:00pm – 4:00pm: Pelvic Analysis continuedPiriformis, Hamstrings ,Quadaratus LumborumParaspinal Musculature
SUNDAY, September 4, 2011
9:00am – 12:00pm: Muscle Chains: Mezieres & Souchard Stretching and Postural Muscle Chain ExercisesPractical Application, from theory to practice
1:00pm – 4:00pm:Case StudiesOrganization of the Postural Training Area in the GymSelf evaluation test, Discussion, Feedback
Individual training Company® based in Bergamo, Italy, is at the leading edge in the health and fitness industry. In just a few years, they have created a network of more than 20 affiliated Personal Training Centers and opened the first Postural Training school in Italy. The founders of the company are Masters in Fitness Sciences and are the Head Instructors & Technical Directors of the International Sport Sciences Association Italy. They teach at several prestigious universities and provide consulting services for numerous national and European professional sports teams and individual athletes from beginners to elite.
Andrea Manzotti
PhysiotherapistOsteopathic PractitionerOsteopathy Teacher Co-founder, owner and teacher at the SOMA Osteopathy School Co-founder and owner of the Individual training Company® ItalyMaster Fitness Sciences and Teacher of International Sport Sciences Association ItalyState University Teacher at Sport and Exercise sciences Faculty
Claudio Suardi
Co-founder and owner of the Individual Training Company® ItalyMaster Fitness Sciences and Technical director of International Sport Sciences Association, ItalyTechnical consultant for the German National Volleyball teamState University Teacher at Sport and Exercise sciences Faculty Author of books, articles, DVDs and software
Dario Crippa
Co-founder and owner of the Individual training Company® Italy Teacher and founder of the first Postural Trainer school in ItalyCertified top level Personal Fitness Trainer ISSA ItalyCreator of the T-Stretch® machineTechnical consultant for the German National Volleyball team Teacher for International Sport Sciences Association
Stefano Zambelli
Master’s degree Sport and Exercise SciencesCo-founder and owner of the Individual Training Company® ItalyMaster Fitness Sciences and Technical director of International Sport Sciences Association, ItalyTechnical consultant for the German National Volleyball teamBroad experience Teaching personal fitness trainer and postural training coursesState University Teacher at Sport and Exercise sciences FacultyAuthor of books, articles, DVDs and software
COST:Regular: $ 850 / 800*Students: $ 700 /650**If registered by August 19
TIME: 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
LOCATION:555 Burrard St, Suite 1165.
Bentall Tower 2 (National Bank Tower)Vancouver, BC
CONTACT: Massimo De Angelis Cell: (604) 726-4746
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